Thursday, August 20, 2009

Open Mic Night

Last weekend I was invited to check out Winamac's Open Mic Night, and take some pictures. I had heard people discuss Open Mic Night before, but was understandably skeptical. I have to admit that I couldn't have been more wrong.

The amount of true talent that night was amazing. We were only able to stay for about half of the performers due to having kids at home, but we can't wait to go back next month.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oregon Part 7

It's only taken me two months, but this is the final installment of my Oregon series.

This installment will be less formal. I'm sure you have all figured out that we had an absolute amazing time. It was so much fun to go exploring with my family. Our kids are still talking about it and I want to go back. Life is so much easier when you get to play instead of work.

I'll leave you with some other fun pictures I took while we were there. Enjoy.

This is one of my favorite taken on the entire trip, Mason and I were hanging out waiting for the sun to set. While we were waiting we started goofing off and ended up taking shadow pictures.

Not all the pictures you see here are my best work. Should it be, maybe, but these are also pictures of my life. I'm not always staging, and posing people. This is a perfect example of just that. Such a tender moment. A crappy picture, yes, but it means so so much to me.

These next two pictures are just some random shots I took.



Lucas Lodge also known as where Deliverance was filmed.

Harbor Seals