This is my submission for week 2 of I <3 Faces.
Be sure to check out other great faces @ (!!

This is my submission for week 2 of I <3 Faces.
Be sure to check out other great faces @ (!!
Posted by Allyson at 11:56:00 PM
So cute. I love messy kids.
made me laugh!
What a great boy photo. Messy with a tractor in the background! Cute.
Thanks for joining the fun!
I ♥ Faces
Your photo makes me long for summer! :)
co-founder of I ♥ Faces
Love the tractor--you can see what made him so hungry!
I was thinking the same thing--I miss summer!
The tractor is pefect! This is a really fun picture!
My family loves messes. I have a similar photo but Spaghettios just aren't as photogenic. :) Great photo. Stunning blog
You caught a great expression. Looks like a boy who didn't really want to take a break from his playing, but he was hungry! No doubt he went right back to playing with that tractor after scarfing down some food. :) Gotta love boys!
so real- looks like he is enjoying whatever it is that he is eating :}
What a great expression! It reminds me of a got-caught-with-my-hand-in-the-cookie-jar look! Love it!
Great picture!
Handsome young man and the tractor adds to the sense of childhood. I wonder if the image would be stronger if the image was cropped to remove the dark area at the top left of photograph? Just a thought.\
Great photo! Love the tractor in the background. It all just screams BOY!
The look in his eyes is priceless! He definitely has something on his mind and it leaves me wondering what. Great job!
Great the face he has so cute:)
So cute!
That expression is priceless. Brought a grin to my face.
What a sweetie : ). Is he eating watermelon or strawberries? This picture made me miss Summer!
what a great shot, love the redness of whatever it is he is eating.
Just how a boy should eat! I love his expression.
What a sweet face. Sitting here in tons of snow, it does make me miss summer also.
Sweet summer time! Great pic! I love messy faces!
GREAT photo!!! All boy..;) Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am enjoying yours!
OMG...he's so cute:)
HAHA!! That is soo cute!
I love the tractor in the background! This picture could have been taken at my house!
What a beatiful photo. It could be on a magazine!
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