Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 101 Medaryville

Today I went over to Medaryville today to get some pictures of old buildings and houses. I took some great pictures, and got some new scenery.

For a little history of Medaryville check out this website, A friend of ours, Brian Capouch, has done extensive research and has embarked on a crusade to save this quaint little town. Yes, I said quaint. For those you of who haven't been in a while, it's really cleaned up and is a nice little bit of history for our county.



Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures. The first one is probably my favorite. The light, color, composition and everything about it.

Hope you didn't freeze too much :)

B Dad

Anonymous said...

I love the train picture, in fact, I love just about any train picture. LOL Great use of angles on that picture.

Bacardi Mama said...

I love seeing your pictures. You have a very good eye.

Mozi Esme said...

These photos are awesome - I can just visualize being there!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I think I am really getting inspired by the "photog excursions" people are posting. I love what you found. You have taken random things and made them look like a piece of art. (Your frames rock too!)