I've been thinking about starting a project lately that is interactive.
As many of you know I have been participating over at I Heart Faces.
I've really enjoyed seeing what "wonder" or "silly" means to different people.
That's what has brought me here.
I want to see what your world looks like. I want to see what different phrases or words mean to you. So I've decided to start a new project called, "MINDS EYE".
Each week on Sunday I will post a new theme here in my journal under the tag "Minds Eye". If it gets to big I will consider moving it to a blog of it's own but for now I'd like to just keep it here.
The themes might be specific like "bridge", or it might be more ambiguous like "green" which could mean the color, recycling, etc.
How do you participate?
Simple, take a picture post it to your own blog, and link it back here in the comments. You have all week. Come back and check on this post and see what other people have posted. It's a chance for all of us to get some more blog traffic, and most importantly see what the world looks like to someone else.
Any skill level of photographer can participate, there is no prize, it's all just for fun.
I am sure this will evolve as the weeks go on but for now just pass this along. The more the merrier. I am looking at setting my blog up differently so that this project is easily accessible for anyone to find. Until then play along, and like I said we'll evolve over time.
Thanks so much!
Now to the fun part!!!
This weeks theme is going to be "Bridge"! So go find a lake and take some pictures. Post them back here in the links!! I want to see your stuff.
Here is my BRIDGE!
1. ALyonPhoto 2. Boybarian Dad | 3. Shane 4. Ursula | 5. frankphoto 6. Many Pinwheels |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
This sounds like fun. I'll see what I can do. Now, where do I find a bridge?
This sounds like fun. I'll see what I can do. Now, where do I find a bridge around here?
Bacardi Mama,
You'd be surprised they are everywhere. Just be creative. :)
It looks awesome Allyson, I'll get you a bridge later this week.
B Dad
great idea, are you going to get a mr. linky?
I'll possibly do MR. Linky this week just leave a link in the comments. :)
I hate I missed this one! I just found your blog through I Heart Faces. I may check back too see if you put up another assignment! I am always up for those things! Love the photos!
Come check out the bridge that I stumbled upon this week.
B Dad
I LOVE that bridge! Great work!
Came across your site while visiting Boybarian Dad's site. Cool shot of the bridge.
Great idea! I linked up, posted a comment, now what do I do? In the meantime I will look for some bridge pics, I know there are a few among my gazillion photos (grins). Sorry to be so ignorant, but blogging is relatively new for me!
Btw - I like the look of your blog - very nice - I want mine to look this good too!
This bridge, even though it exists in reality, I transformed into a metaphorical bridge to describe my move from NYC to Ithaca. It juxtaposes the verdant vibrant natural landscape of Cascadilla Creek with the wintery concrete canyon that is Manhattan where I worked. In fact this is a view I enjoyed daily from my office window for as long as I was there. And I was very happy to have a window, many here were not so fortunate!
My bridge is an ancient but still in use rusty railroad bridge near my house. The image with the train on it was taken in a snowstorm while standing in the middle of the creek in my waiters.
Kudos to you for getting "dirty" to get this shot! People don't realize what amazing shots that they would get if they got down in the mud and to grab a different angle. :)
I can't wait to see more of your work.
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