Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 76 - Things that go bump in the night.

This idea actually came from my father-in-law, and other than the noise due to the iso being off, I really like the way they turned out. I think I will try this again, and see if I can get the noise down. Maybe I can do one of each of our kids.


Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

These are so cool! I am copying your idea. Love it.

AngiDe said...

This is a great idea.... can I ask how you did it?? Obviously no flash... but still in focus and not blurry..... hints??

Bacardi Mama said...

These are beautiful pictures. You have a real talent. I found you through I should be folding laundry. I'll be back.

present_time said...

My poor nephew is going to hate me when he gets older because I am going to be breaking out these pic's of him at the most inopportune times :)

Of course it is just because I love him so much. Where are more pic's of the rest of the kids I can torture them with when they get older? I need ammunition :)