Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 154 - Family Fun

While we were in Wisconsin this weekend, the entire family got together for my Father-in-laws birthday. Not very often do we really get to cut up, but this weekend everyone was in a great mood and up for a little partying.

Admittedly these pictures aren't the greatest, the flash really washed out many of these, thats why they are all black and white.

Thanks for letting loose with us Mom and Dad.

Kyrsten and Glenn goofing off, I kept trying to get a picture of the cute couple but they would have nothing to do with it. Instead I got this.

Mom got caught with the can of Whipped Cream...

So she tried to pretend she was giving it to the dogs...


Upstatemamma said...

I totally want to be a part of this family!!! So, fun :)

Mrs. Cline said...

Looks like a really fun time!

My dog loves whipped cream too. :)

present_time said...

There was one good one of us in there. Well one that was at least a little less booger-y :) The pic's look great in black and white!

Anonymous said...

The dog is great, lol. I love it :)