Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mind's Eye!

Have you taken your picture yet this week for Mind's Eye?

Remember this week's theme is "Bridges". I've installed a Mr. Linky to make posting your picture even easier then before.

I thought I would post next week's theme a little early so you can start thinking about it.

Next weeks theme is "Blur". That's right I want you to take a blurry picture ON PURPOSE, be creative!

Here are some answers to FAQ...

Who can participate?

Anyone and everyone. From someone who has never picked up a camera until now to someone who's been shooting forever. I just want to see your world.

Hold old can the picture be?

There is no time limit on when this picture should have been shot, but the idea is to get you out and get the creative juices flowing.

Do I have to participate every week?

No, but the more the merrier.

Remember have fun!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so not liking your for this weeks, lol. Thanks.